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What is symmetrical pi network in network analysis?

The Symmetrical pi Network in Network Analysis is another important network in line transmission fulfilling the conditions of total series and shunt arm impedances as Z 1 and Z 2 respectively.

What is the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of symmetrical pi network?

Similar to the symmetrical T network, let us derive the expressions for the characteristic impedance (Z 0) and propagation constant (γ) of the Symmetrical pi Network in Network Analysis. Consider a symmetrical π network terminated at its output terminals with its characteristic impedance Z 0 as shown in the Fig. 8.16.

How can a pi circuit be used as an intermediate point?

With a Pi circuit, the elements next to Z Load and Z Source are parallel components, and thus, we’re allowed to move along constant-conductance circles going through the source and load impedances. An intersection of these constant-conductance circles and the Q n = 4 curve can be used as an intermediate point, as shown in Figure 10.

How do you relate q n to Q L in a T-network?

It is not simple to exactly relate Q n to Q L in a T-network (this is also true for Pi networks, which we’ll get into shortly). However, the Q of a T or Pi network is normally taken as the highest value of Q n in the circuit.

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